Simms Poetry Featured in Poems2Go Project

Kimberly Simms' poem "Film Director" is currently featured in the Poems2Go Project!

You can read her poem online here:

Poems2go is a poetry project created by Christine Jones and supported by a grant from the Witter Bynner Foundation, to bring more poetry to more people to more places. Inspired by the book Poem In Your Pocket introduced by Kay Ryan, poems2go offers poetry to take with you, tuck in your pocket, your wallet, or to share.
Five poets are featured monthly and multiple copies of their poems are printed on 4″x 6″ loose-leafed paper and distributed to selected cafes and/or bookstores (see Where to Find p2g) available for patrons to peruse and take 2 go.
Poems2go hopes to provide poetry that is a reflection of a poet’s deep listening of the world around him/her, that broadens our perspective as readers to gain a greater understanding  of interconnectedness, and a sense of our place in the collective whole.