May 4th 1pm Pawley's Island Pub. Free workshop with the Poetry Society of South Carolina.
Poetry Workshop: Visualizing Joy: Using imagery and form to capture gratitude and feel the sweetness of life.
Whether you are working on a gratitude journal or looking to capture your happiest memories, this workshop will focus on visualizing joy. Poet Kimberly Simms will start the workshop with a brief guided meditation and a craft lesson on imagery. Attendees will then be guided to recall a calm and peaceful setting and to capture a moment that brought a smile. After completing a quick write, Kimberly will give a brief lesson on the Pantoum form with examples. Finally, attendees will be invited to share a poem they have already written or something from the class.
More about Kimberly Simms at
Kimberly's literary voice is rooted in the Southern tradition of storytelling, informed by her British and Southern lineage. She is an award-winning poet who entertains and educates with poetry that is both poignant and inspiring. In her debut book of poems, Lindy Lee: Songs on Mill Hill, Kimberly chronicles the lives of textile workers in the Piedmont region with historical accuracy and imaginative insight. These are poems of sorrow, joy, and redemption that linger in the heart. Among many titles and honors garnered: former Carl Sandburg NHS Writer-in-residence; TedX speaker; and slam pioneer turned curator. She is a current member of the SC Humanities Council’s Speakers Bureau and her work is included in the South Carolina Poetry Archives at Furman University. Ron Rash, award-winning author of Serena, says about Kimberly: "she writes with eloquence and empathy about an important part of Southern history - too often neglected."